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Optimize enterprise performance using fresh data from your data warehouse

Anaplan is a premium destination and is only available on Business tier plans.


With the Anaplan destination, Hightouch can automate file uploads and trigger import actions in Anaplan. This flexible integration allows you to import a variety of data from your warehouse, such as purchase orders, customer data, and more.

Supported syncing

Sync TypeDescriptionSupported Sync ModesAPI Reference
RecordsSync data from any source to Anaplan recordsInsert, AllImport action docs

For more information about sync modes, refer to the sync modes docs.


Select the region of your Anaplan account then you can authenticate using basic auth (username and password).

Authentication methods in the Hightouch UI

You may need to create an IP whitelist for Hightouch servers to allow authentication

  • See how to create a whitelist on Anaplan here.
  • See Highotuch Server IP addresses here.

Creating a import data source in Anaplan

You must create an existing data source for Hightouch to upload data into. Navigate to your model -> Model settings -> Actions -> Import Data Source. Create a new "Import Data Source" by uploading a placeholder CSV.

The Hightouch integration will overwrite this CSV with data from your warehouse based on the mappings in your sync configuration.

Creating an import in Anaplan

You can optionally create imports based on the data source, and trigger them after the upload is complete in Hightouch. Navigate to a list and click the "Import" button. After selecting the placeholder data source, you can create an import that can then be selected in Hightouch and viewed in the imports page.

Creating a sync in Hightouch

After setting up the data source and imports in the Anaplan destination, you can use Hightouch to automate sending data to the data sources and triggering the import by creating a sync.

Selecting the model and import data source

Select the model and data source that you created (or an existing one). Please keep in mind that Hightouch will overwrite the import data source. You can choose between two modes:

  • Insert: The data source is overwritten with only the rows that have been added since the last run.
  • All: The data source is overwritten with the full results of the query in this run.

Selecting the triggered imports

You can select one or more imports to trigger after the data source upload is complete. By default, Hightouch triggers these imports in parallel. Hightouch will wait until the imports are complete before completing the sync.

Mapping your columns

You can map the columns in your Hightouch model to columns in your Anaplan data source.

The Anaplan column names you map to in Hightouch must exactly match the column names configured your Anaplan data source. The columns must also be in the same order as they appear in your data source. Incorrect column names or order mismatch will cause your sync to error.

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Feature requests?

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Last updated: Apr 29, 2023

On this page

OverviewSupported syncingSetupCreating a import data source in AnaplanCreating an import in AnaplanCreating a sync in HightouchSelecting the model and import data sourceSelecting the triggered importsMapping your columns

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