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Holdout Group Logs

Holdout Group Logs requires WRITE permissions to your data warehouse. Because of this, Hightouch only records rows of audiences built off sources that have the Lightning sync engine enabled.


Holdout Group Logs tracking allows organizations and marketers to accurately understand which rows were not synced to a destination and included in other split groups. This can be useful when wanting to do analysis on campaigns where you need to understand exactly which rows were included in which split groups at the time of a given sync.

A common use case is when syncing a Treatment vs Holdout group for an audience and wanting the ability to accurately know which rows were synced to the destination and which were part of the holdout group.

Only rows that are not included in the sync split group are written to the hightouch_audit.audience_holdout table, and other synced rows are still written to the hightouch_audit.sync_changelog table. You will need to join both tables to get a full picture of what is synced and not synced.

This feature requires the Lightning sync engine to be enabled.

For more information on audiences and splits, go to the audiences or splits pages.

This feature is still in Beta. Please if you're interested in Holdout Group Logs!

Enable holdouts

Table definition

The hightouch_audit.audience_holdout table is an append-only log. If the same row is included in multiple sync runs, it has multiple entries in this table.

sync_idThe ID of the sync
sync_run_idThe ID of the sync run
model_idThe ID of the model attached to the sync. This is the same as the audience ID.
timestampThe timestamp the sync occured.
row_idThe value of the row's primary key as defined from the model
fieldsA JSON object of the raw data from the model that is synced into the destination. Note that this is the raw data from the warehouse, not the payload that Hightouch sent to the destination. This column has limitations in Redshift (see FAQ for details, below).
split_groupThe split group name.


What are the limitations in Redshift?

Because Redshift does not support strings longer than 65,535 bytes, it is not possible to store JSON representations of arbitrary length in the audience_holdout table. Hightouch attempts to store model data in the fields, but if the model contains either long strings or a large number of fields, some fields may be truncated. Truncated values in the audience_holdout table do not mean that values were truncated when Hightouch synced data to the destination; it's purely a limitation of the warehouse logs.

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Last updated: Jul 19, 2024

On this page
  • Overview
  • Table definition
  • FAQ
  • What are the limitations in Redshift?

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